The body glove allowed for operation in warm or cold climates however, it could protect the trooper from almost any environment, from total vacuum to extremes in cold and heat for a very limited time. The armor significantly reduced damage to the wearer from a blaster bolt, but it could be completely penetrated by a more powerful cannon blast.

It also protected the troopers from very harsh environments as well as projectiles and kinetic-energy weapons. Aside from the obvious physical advantages in combat, stormtrooper armor also acted as a form of psychological warfare: The armor was designed to be without distinctions, to ensure that foes and citizens alike saw only a united and implacable force, lowering enemy morale during combat operations. In fact, the casual first-time observer sometimes mistook stormtroopers for a form of battle droids. The complete set of eighteen pieces completely encased the body and typically had no individually distinguishing marking outside of rank. Stormtrooper armor was a distinctive white plastoid body armor over a sealed black body glove worn by Imperial stormtroopers, and in this respect appeared similar to their Clone Wars Phase II clone trooper armor predecessors, having acquired its color from the austere tastes of its Kaminoan creators.

" How about you get into this armor and try to see out of this damn helmet?" ― Alpha-956